Worship Services
Worship at Bethel
This is Christ’s church and no matter where you are on your faith journey, you are welcome.
We worship on Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m.
Wednesday evening worship services occur throughout the year during the seasons of Advent and Lent. See the calendar for details.
Sunday Worship with Holy Communion
Sundays 9:30am
We worship on Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion is celebrated weekly as part of the worship service. The sacrament of Holy Communion embodies the body and blood of Christ. Anyone who has not received First Communion instruction is invited to receive a blessing from the pastor.
Occasional Worship Services
The sacrament of Holy Baptism uses water and God’s word to welcome the person being baptized into the family of God. It is a promise that God will always be with us and through this sacrament, we become part of a worldwide fellowship, symbolized by the congregation present at the baptism.
At a child’s baptism, parents and sponsors make a promise to help their children grow in the Christian faith and life. As a community of faith, Bethel also makes a promise to support the newly baptized in their new life in Christ. We carry out this promise through educational programs like Sunday School, Confirmation classes, and by partnering with families as they journey in faith with their children.
Most Lutherans in the ELCA are baptized as infants, but baptism can take place at any age. Contact the church office if you would like to schedule a baptism.
Marriage is a gift of God, in which two people become living signs of God’s grace, love, and faithfulness. A Lutheran wedding ceremony is a celebration of a couple’s love and relationship with each other and their love and relationship with God.
Please contact the church office for information about scheduling weddings.
Lutherans believe in the promise of eternal life through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Bethel Lutheran Church is available to help families arrange a meaningful service to celebrate and remember their loved ones.
If you are in need of assistance, please contact the church office.